Ask Me Anything: Us vs Us Cont’d
Join us as we address some hot-button topics in the Church through questions submitted by our own members.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Building on our previous blog post addressing the question, "What is your perspective on the LGBTQ+ community, and how can we love them?" we offer a few additional lenses to help our conversation:
A nuanced perspective on this topic requires we move beyond stereotypes to recognize where our prejudices and bias end and where a culturally sensitive and genuinely biblical perspective begins. To this end, there are two stereotypes in particular that are worth mentioning.
1.) Gender Stereotypes: A culturally sensitive approach to this topic recognizes the disparity between what we’ve been taught in our surrounding culture versus what is truly in the Bible regarding each gender. Alas, what you find in the Bible are not always brutish masculine men who “bring home the bacon” or women who are always quiet and fragile but Kings who are often poetic and women who are sometimes judges and breadwinners. In truth, much damage has been done through the church reinforcing unhealthy narratives around gender roles that are unfounded in scripture.
2.) Relational Stereotypes: While all humans are created for relationships this does not necessarily mean all are created for marriage. Two of the foremost examples of this are the Apostle Paul and Jesus himself. Each was single and yet, by every Biblical definition, lived their lives devoted to God and flourished in community. Both examples challenge the common belief that marriage is the ultimate relationship for human flourishing according to the Bible.
Lastly, a Christ-like perspective on the topic requires that we be both curious and compassionate. These two qualities complement each other, creating a foundation for fruitful conversations. Curiosity involves a sincere desire to understand without interrogating or interrupting others. It allows space for diverse viewpoints and ensures that everyone feels heard. Authentic relationships don’t need to be rushed with quick opinions or debates. Rather, they realize there is time as the relationship develops for each person to express themselves. Compassion entails loving with deep empathy and acknowledging the potential hardships and struggles individuals may have faced. It requires us to be sensitive to their experiences and feelings. Each of these requires a wellspring of hope and love that can only dug by the transformative work of Christ in our hearts. Therefore, as we venture further into this dialogue, let us lean ever nearer to the heart of Christ who guides us with understanding, openness, and love.
Study Questions:
How have societal stereotypes influenced our perceptions of gender roles, and how do these stereotypes contrast with biblical portrayals?
In your experience, how has the church shaped your view of singleness as compared to marriage?
How can we be more compassionate in these conversations with our neighbors and be more empathetic?
What does it mean to approach this topic with a Christ-like perspective? How can we embody Christ's values and teachings in our discussions about sensitive issues like LGBTQ+ matters?